Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cowboy Caviar

I got this recipe from my friend, Winona.  I could eat the stuff plain. Delish!

1 can black beans (rinsed and drained)
1 can white corn (drained)
1 bunch cilantro
1 bunch green onions or chives (optional in this house)
3 - 4 large tomatoes
1 package Good Seasons Italian Dressing (yes, I always use the brand Good Seasons), made per directions

Cut everything up and put in a bowl, pour the dressing over the top and mix.  For the dressing, I use Balsamic Vinegar and I don't ever put in the total amount of oil.  I probably only use 1 - 2 Tablespoons.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I don't use Good Seasons -- I just use whatever's cheapest!