Wednesday, October 5, 2011

We like carrot Soup!

We made carrot soup this weekend. If anything I would have backed off on the cayenne and maybe used more broth because it came out pretty thick. Great fall flavor.

4-5 lb carrots washed and chopped in 3-4 pieces each
2 onions quartered
1-2 bell peppers (green, red or orange) cut in strips
1-2 potatoes, chopped
Olive oil drizzled over veggies (~1/4 C?)
2 tsp ginger
1/4-1/2 tsp Cayenne pepper (to taste, it can be spicy!)
~4C chicken broth
1-2C half and half (milk or cream should work fine)

Sautee veggies in olive oil until onions are soft. (Raw potatoes would take a little more time, so consider steaming them a little before adding other veggies. I used a baked potato I had in the fridge.) Add some salt. Add broth and steam until carrots and potatoes are soft. Transfer half of veggies and some broth to blender and puree. Puree remainder of veggies and broth. Return mixture to pot. Add spices and half and half and bring to simmer. Garnish with sour cream and/or cilantro. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mmmm we ate the soup tonight!